Friday, August 5, 2011

I Like Brown Cake

I asked Grace yesterday what she thought Charlotte wanted for lunch. Her response: "Brown cake and ice cream!!!
"Really?" I asked in the kind of mom voice I never thought I would have. "Baby Charlotte, who has not yet sampled cake nor ice cream (ok ok if you must know the truth she has tried it once SHE LOVED IT!) wants cake and ice cream for lunch?" My eyebrows raised in little question marks. 
Grace gave me the slyest of smiles and answered, "YEESSSS!!!" through a mouth full of giggles. Apparently, we have a cake connoisseur and a comedian on our hands!

Lucky for Grace, Daddy had a birthday yesterday and every birthday requires cake...even if it is just one slice bought from the local grocery store because baking an entire delicious cake and having it around the house for the next four or five days (who am I kidding? the next 24 hours because it would be INHALED by yours truly) would be a breach of epic proportions while on Operation Butterball!!

Notice how out of breath she is as she fists the cake in her mouth!
I wonder where she gets that from?!?!?!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That is so cute!! Who doesn't love brown cake!!
