Friday, February 12, 2010

Yes God, It's Me Katie

Everybody needs a little time away
I heard {me} say
From {my blo-ooog}
Even {bloggers} need a holiday
Far away
From their {blo-oooggs}
Hold me now ...

Thanks Chicago! I couldn't have said it better myself!

If you didn't notice, I took a little blogging hiatus. I wanted to disconnect while away on vacation. Sorry I didn't give any warning regarding my disappearance. I didn't think announcing my two week absence from my home over the Internet was the best idea. Regardless, we still had a little "trouble" around the house while we were gone.

First and foremost, Grace's tree was destroyed while we were gone! Someone drove into our yard and ran down her little tree. Can you EVEN believe that?!

I was/am heartbroken.

Secondly, upon our return home yesterday, we had no electricity or heat. Strike that. We had no heat and SOME electricity. Yes, you read that correctly...SOME electricity. In some rooms, the lights worked and in others they didn't. In the kitchen, the lights only had about half power and the appliances (stove top, freezer, refrigerator, oven) didn't work.


It took most of the day calling electricians, the power company, etc. to sort it all out but we were able to get everything back up and running before dinner time. Heaven forbid we miss a meal around here!

While our vacation was great (more on that and pictures to boot in a later posting) it is good to be home. There's just no where like Home Sweet Home Place!

1 comment:

T.C.M.+ C said...

I can't wait to see your pictures Katie! Glad you guys had a good time. Be sure to pass on any traveling tips...