Saturday, April 13, 2013

When it Rains, It Pours!

While we were driving to Boise before Easter, I received an email from a friend. Not unusual, right? Well, it was unusual because I hadn't seen or spoken to this friend in years! She and I had met while I was still practicing law (before kids) and she and I were involved in a lot of community activities together. She was a riot and I enjoyed her company. Then, Court and I moved and had Grace. I retired from 'lawyering' and unfortunately, she and I fell out of touch.

Then, out of the blue, she sent me an email telling me that she follows my blog. "I just had to tell you from out here in blog reader land I read every blog you send out. I laugh..I cry ..I sit down usually each morning and check the email. You truly amaze me with the life you have created for yourself and family." Is that not that nicest thing ever?!?! I was blown away! I really thought the only people that read my blog were family members...and even they hit delete every now and then I think! Ha! Ha!

So you can imagine my utter disbelief when two days ago I received a blog award from the very real, the very funny and the very talented mother of two boys, Amy! Amy documents tales, tribulations and treasured memories of motherhood with a good dose of humor and sarcasm thrown in at her blog Science Geeks & Super Hero Freaks. You should check it out! I follow her blog on Bloglovin' and envy her wit, her relate-ability as a mother and her time horseback riding... although I don't envy the amount of snow she deals with up there in Vermont! It is amazing to connect with someone who reads my blog and even more amazing to receive a virtual high five! Thank you so much Amy for following along and for bestowing my little labor of love, Home Sweet Home Place, with the Liebster Award!

Here's the deal:
~Each nominee must post 11 facts about themselves.
~Nominees must answer 11 questions the tagger has given to them and then create 11 new ones to pass down to the bloggers they nominate.
~Display award logo on your site and link back to the person who gave it to you.
~Choose 11 bloggers (with less than 200 followers) to pass the award on to and link them in your post.
~Notify your nominees.

So here goes...

  1. My all time favorite mini-movie series is Anne of Green Gables.
  2. I have a parrot named Kiwi. She was my high school graduation gift.
  3. For the most part, I drink white wine in the summer and red wine in the winter.
  4. Christmas is my favorite holiday. Easter and Halloween are tied for second place.
  5.  I will not ever, not ever eat a raw tomato but I will eat salsa. No rhyme or reason, I know.
  6. I love beautiful, old barns.
  7.  I love flowers, trees and plants but can’t keep them alive for the life of me.
  8.  Before having kids, I loved scary, suspenseful movies. Now, after having kids, I can’t watch even a preview without being terrified.
  9. When I lived in the city, I couldn’t imagine living in the country. Now that I live in the country, I would rank living in the city equivalent to poking oneself in the eye. 
  10. I’ve always wanted to write a book. But I have no idea what I would write about.
  11. The older I get, the more I realize more parents were right – about everything.
   Questions From Amy (My answers are in red)
  1.      Are you a morning person or a night owl? Morning person. 
  2.      Coffee or tea? Coffee.
  3.      Boxers or briefs?  No, wait! I actually meant thong, high thigh, or old lady briefs? Hanky Pankies. 
  4.      Furthest place from home you have travelled? Africa. 
  5.      Dream place to travel to that you have not yet been to? New Zealand/Australia.
  6.      And why would you like to travel there? So I can master my fake Australian accent and drink a bunch of wine.
  7.      Are you a Dog or a Cat person? Dog.
  8.      Do you prefer to read fiction or non-fiction? Fiction.
  9.      If you were stranded on a desert island and you could only have one food, but a lifetime supply of this one food, what would that food be?  Chocolate chip cookies. 
  10.      Same question as #9, but with one celebrity of your choice to stranded with.  Who would it be? Justin Timberlake. No explanation needed…for the record, I love my husband!
  11.      For question #9 and #10, why?
      Liebster Award Nominees
I     I read a lot of blogs. A lot! How do I choose a blog to follow? I don't have a scientific process. Usually, the photographs draw me in. I love a great photo. But content, humor, inspiration... that is what keeps me coming back! I love blogs that show creativity - either with words, photography or craftiness. It is amazing what people come up with! The quilts! The parties! The stories! It is so inspiring! I particularly appreciate the mothers. The mothers online that share their joys, their frustrations and their insecurities as they negotiate the path of motherhood. Special needs. Infertility. Starting a business. From home. We all have a story. We all have a dream. We all have a voice. And we all appreciate that voice being heard. And so the Liebster Award. This particular award is to be bestowed upon blogs who have less than 200 followers. I tried hard to stay within that parameter with the following nominees. With some blogs, it is hard to tell how many followers they have and there might be a few in the following list that have more than 200. Regardless, they all are great blogs worthy of a follow! They will inspire you. They will make you laugh. They will make you reflect on your own life choices. They will make you feel something new. Enjoy!
  1.      Kimberly Ouimet  
  2.       Me & Wee
  3.      So Happy
  4.      Growing with the Gimlins
  5.      Three Cottage
  6.      3 Kids & A Breakdown
  7.      Robert and Amy Plus Two
  8.      Sew and the City
  9.      Other Pieces of Me
  10.      My 4 Lil Girls
  11.      The Neuzel Project
      New Questions
  1.         What did you want to be when you grew up?
  2.      Who would you like to see live in concert?
  3.      If you could splurge on one thing for yourself, what would it be?
  4.      What’s your favorite TV show?
  5.      If you could master one new talent/skill, what would you want it to be?
  6.      Do you like to shop with friends or by yourself?
  7.      What is your go-to meal when entertaining?
  8.      If you could live anywhere for a year, where would you want to live? Why?
  9.      Who is your celebrity crush?
  10.      What movie have you watched a 1,000 times and could watch a 1,000 more?
  11.      If you had an extra hour in the day – everyday – how would you spend it?
      So there you have it! When it rains, it pours! Yesterday it was dog crap! Today it's blog awards! Ain't life grand?!


Kim said...

Katie - Wonderful post! Thank you so much for the award and the links to these blogs - I am really looking forward to visiting each one.
How nice to have been contacted by a friend from your past, it is wonderful to reconnect.
Thank you!!!

Kim said...

Katie - Wonderful post! Thank you so much for the award and the links to these blogs - I am really looking forward to visiting each one.
How nice to have been contacted by a friend from your past, it is wonderful to reconnect.
Thank you!!!

Amy said...

Love your answers! And I'm jealous of all your travel experience!:-) I've never been out of the country except for Canada. Which almost doesn't count because we're already so freakin North that we're practically IN Canada.
And THANK YOU for making me sound much cooler than I actually am. LOL

Amy said...

Ha ha. I'm so clever I just left you the same comment twice! LOL
Sorry about that.

Julia said...

Thank you, Katie, for mentioning my blog!