Thursday, November 8, 2012

Solo Slumber Party

Court is out of the town for a few days so I've moved my sewing machine to the kitchen table. I have A LOT to get done! In the next five weeks, we have one anniversary, Thanksgiving and three birthdays! All but one we are hosting! So busy is an understatement! (Oh yeah...and Christmas is right after all this hoopla!)

When Court is out of town, meals get REALLY simple and cleaning doesn't happen. It's the closest thing a housewife gets to a vacation! So in those moments I typically would be cleaning or cooking, while Court is away I sew!

Grace seeing that I was posting up at the kitchen table for the evening (which is in the living room) she decided to transport her bed into the living room. She quietly read books, put on her princess dress and sparkle shoes and ran around the house casting spells. When asked what her spells were about, she said she was trying to make Barbies appear. 

She is obsessed with Barbies! Loves them!
I have LOTS of friends who are anti Barbie. That they hurt your self esteem, create unattainable expectations of beauty, blah blah blah.
I don't buy it.
Barbie is a doll. Barbie is pretend.
The End.

Anyway, I was planning on making it a late night but I quickly realized I was more tired than I thought when I sewed an entire piece inside out requiring the entire thing to be re-done!
Upset at my mistake, I decided to pack it in and hit the hay!
There is nothing worse than sewing when tired. All sorts of BAD mistakes happen! Time consuming to fix mistakes...and who has time for that? Especially at this time of the year!

When I told Grace I was heading to bed, she asked me to read a few stories and that was that!
A few minutes later, I came out to check on her and she was sound asleep!
Her first solo on the floor in the living room!

I have a feeling Santa might have a harder time filling stockings this year!

1 comment:

Amy said...

Very sweet!
I LOVED barbie dolls when I was growing up. Also paper dolls. I agree with you. Barbie is a doll. A doll is a doll is a doll.:-)
I envy your sewing capabilities. I bought myself a sewing machine and am determined to learn how. I haven't made very much progress yet.