Wednesday, July 25, 2012

One of Those Days

Today was a rough, rough day. 
Remember when I said there are times when I feel like pulling my hair out? 
Today was definitely one of those days!

To start things off, my mom left to head back home. She was up visiting for a few days. We managed to get ourselves over to Seattle (for less than 24 hours) to hit up the Nordstrom sale, eat some good Mexican food (in Seattle? YES! Seattle!) and most importantly, to go to my dentist appointment.

Yes, my tooth is still killing me. I was finally referred to a specialist in Seattle last month and this is my second visit. I am undergoing a treatment that - while could take the better part of a year t...has prospects of truly helping! All without having to extract a tooth!!
woo hoo!! Plus, the monthly visits get me into the big city for a little shopping! I don’t hate that!

While I was in with the dentist, Grace and Charlotte got to experience spoiling by Grandma 101!
A cupcake all to themselves...

and a trip to the toy store!

Best day ever!!!

While all fun and games for the girls - who did an outstanding job of sitting for three hours in the car to Seattle followed by much, much more sitting as we cased Nordstrom - it was a lot of work for me and Grandma.
Up early. Packing the car. Driving. Unpacking the car. Shopping. Setting up make shift beds. Packing up necessities for meals. Bathtime. Bedtime. Up early to clean and pack up the car to head home. More driving.
Did I mention we were in Seattle for less than 24 hours?!
Far too short! 

We were all feeling the effects today. We were all cranky and tired. Especially Grace me.
Needless to say, not a lot besides laundry and timeouts were accomplished today!!

1 comment:

Julia said...

Sounds like a fun day! I am always looking for an excuse to visit our big city (Charlotte) we hit up the Nordstrom sale on Tuesday. it was great! Sorry you all had a bad day, we all have those. My daughter has been in timeout already once today. Being a toddler is not an easy job.