Thursday, February 16, 2012


Two big milestones in our household:

First, Grace has been wearing big girl panties consistently and without mistakes for almost two weeks! I think we are closing in on diaper-less days! Woo hoo!

And Valentine's Day marked not only the annual day in which we celebrate our loved ones, it also marked the first time Charlotte slept in her big girl bed! I wasn't able to snap a picture for fear of the flash waking her up. I did manage to take a picture of the monitor that shows her sleeping in her room. But I thought a photo of the night vision monitor might be a bit creepy to share.

I am currently watching her on the monitor "napping" while I type. So far, no sleeping has occurred but she hasn't gotten out of bed in over an hour! Looks like we will have an "open" crib in the near future...what to do? What to do?! 

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