Saturday, October 8, 2011

Family, Friends and Fun in Seattle

We headed West this weekend for some family and friend fun!
On the agenda, an apple themed birthday for a precious two year old.

The food and decor was awesome!
They even had an apple hunt!

The kids LOVED this!

Even Charlotte got in on the festivities!

We called this the Apple of Death.

Apparently, that was funny!

Grace with the birthday girl.

You'll never believe me but this was not rehearsed

or coerced.

It just happened and I caught it all on film!

Lucky day!

My vote for dad of the year...(closely followed by my own dad, of course!)

Usually one to take a while to warm up, Grace arrived ready to party!

Notice the two different shoes?
Yep, she's still into that!

A fabulous party for a fabulous girl!


Anonymous said...

Sweet photos! I love Grace's white sweater. Would love to know where it's from.


Home Sweet Home Place said...

Julia - thanks for the sweet comments! Always nice to hear from you! The sweater is by Cherokee from the ever chic Target!