Monday, October 19, 2009

Chasing a Boy...I mean...a Toy...ERRRR

I still remember the first boy I liked.

Frank Corzine.

He was the tallest boy in my preschool class and I could see his head over the coat rack.

Love at first sight!

So I am fully prepared for the boy-girl interactions to occur early...long before they probably even know what is going on. But I wasn't prepared for the game girls-chase-boys (oh you know you played it at recess in elementary school!) at ten months old!

Originally, Grace had been quietly playing with this toy by herself. The little boy came up and started playing with the toy with Grace but it quickly digressed. He announced "MINE!" and then ran away with the toy. Without hesitation, Grace followed. This exchange occurred about six or seven times. I was able to capture this little snippet on video.

I was surprised by Grace's reaction. She didn't get angry. She didn't cry.
She just never gave up!

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